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Hey there! As the new year pools in I realized, I need to start posting more on here. My goal is weekly, but realistically it’ll probably be monthly. Anyway, let’s get into the focus of this post. How did I get to this point? The answer to this question can be simply explained by the fact that the Lord told me to do this and I listened. However, that short answer doesn’t do my story any good. To fully understand who I am and how I reached this point, those smaller, intimate, details are what really explains the answer to that tricky question. Bare with me this might be lengthy, but it’s worth it. So here it goes:

When I was younger, about 5 or so, I watched my dad leave home for two weeks to serve the Lord in Haiti. I so badly wanted to join, but obviously, that wasn’t going to happen (thanks mom… that was a joke). When he came back home, there was this fire within him. This excitement about Jesus, that I’d yet to see in anyone else at that time. I soon got excited at the idea that one day when I was all big and tall I’d get to do that, and have that same fire in me. Skip ahead a few years, I started having this feeling that I wanted to go to random places struck by terrible storms and help salvage homes or anything I could possibly do. I also couldn’t do that quite yet, because I was still in school. I was also hearing these amazing stories of my cousin’s missionary trip with The World Race. (Also during these times, I didn’t exactly know who God was and I was living for this world.)

Skip ahead again to when I was 15. This was the year that my deep dark pit started; the very reason why I was able to submit everything to God a few years later. During these trying times as a teenager, I snuck off to my (at that time) boyfriend’s house. That day he raped me in his basement. After that, I learned to shut down and to put on, what I call, a mask. I acted happy and just didn’t talk too often unless it was needed. The pit I was living in was so deep, dark, and lonely. I didn’t speak of anything that happened that day, until three years later. 

When I was 18, I met this lady who invited me to her youth group. She was the youth leader, the only problem was that there wasn’t a youth group for this church at that time. It was created and involved me, a Buddhist, and a catholic (plus my older sister). The leader shared with the group about her past, which led me to trust her completely. She allowed me to talk with her privately about what I went through and helped me to work through it. Soon after I started to lean on the Bible for answers, it was almost instantaneous that I just gave all trust to God, and no longer cared about anything worldly. Literally, nothing else mattered to me aside from whatever the Lord wanted for me. I’m 98% sure that I’ll probably explain even more of these stories in far more detail in the future, so be prepared for those.

Now to answer the what now? This is actually quite exciting because now I get to do everything to get prepared for the trip. I still have quite a bit to fundraise for, BUT there are so many awesome projects in the works that I can’t wait to show you all. One of which comes out today, which is the T-shirts! I’m so thrilled about these because they are so amazing! Plus they’ll have added bonuses in the future that you will get to soon see.

Anyways I can’t share too much quite yet, but just be prepared for the amazing things that are soon to come! If you’ve read this far into this blog, you deserve a warm cookie because that was a lot. Thank you for reading and I can’t wait to share more with you!


4 responses to “How Did I Get Here?”

  1. I’m so proud of you and super excited to read all your heart pours out in this journey. Love u bunches!

  2. I am so so proud of you and the woman you have become. You are extraordinary and your story is incredible and I believes that it will touch so many hearts. You are a strong, brave and beautiful woman. I love you to pieces! ??